We globally distribute internationally recognized academic identity cards which provide student and teacher status verification, thousands of worldwide benefits, and access to our global student movement to make a better world. Both ISIC and ITIC have been endorsed by UNESCO since 1968.

Making Student Life Better

The ISIC Association (ISICA) is a non-profit organisation created by students 70 years ago. We aim to play a key supporting role in the lives of students worldwide by making student life easier, more affordable, and more enjoyable by facilitating the international recognition of official student status. ISIC is issued to students in 114 countries. ISIC is endorsed by a wide range of national governments, ministries of education, travel and student organisations, and universities worldwide.


ISIC strongly believes intercultural understanding can lead to a better world. To promote cross-border friendship and cultural exchange, we offer innovative concepts like Invite a Friend and International Bootcamps.

ISIC-ITIC Mobile App

Download the ISIC mobile app to access your digital student card wherever you go, explore our exclusive offers and services available worldwide and redeem them instantly. With the ISIC-ITIC app you can discover benefits near you on the map, get the latest news, limited vouchers and more!


Enjoy our member benefits in Belgium and maximise your budget in more than 100 countries. These are the most used:

Most UNESCO sites and famous museums | | Connections: 6-day City Break NY | IKEA | Disneyland Paris | Back Market | iPhones by Forza | Flixbus | Decathlon | Strava | Ice Mountain Ski and Skydiving | Guido City App | Kilroy | Dott | Soundcloud | BoardX | Samsung | Amber | Spotahome | Autodesk | Boat Tours Amsterdam & Ghent | World War I Bus Tour | Perlego | Runtastic | Veloretti